How we calculate product ratings


Posted By: Denise on 13/08/2020

How we calculate product ratings

Product Ratings

Product ratings are designed to be used in conjunction with brand reviews to help customers make a fair comparison. We use a star rating system of one to five stars, with five stars being the best and one star being the lowest.

How the data is collected

Rather than rely on companies to provide us with the information, we have collated our own data from websites and product documentation, stored in a comprehensive database, that enables us to present key products features in a standardised format.

How are product ratings calculated?

Our goal was to make the calculation process transparent, unbiased and unswayed by opinion.

We have used our extensive database of product features and allowed the insurance market to dictate the classification of core and secondary requirements as well as the order of their importance.

Each section of cover whether it has been classed as a core or secondary requirement is compared to the industry average and given a ranking score. The higher the level of cover the lower the score. Once all the sections of cover have been assessed, the scores are added up and each product ranked accordingly.

For each insurance product the core requirements will be different. Specific rating requirements can be viewed on the home page of each insurance category, but generally star ratings can be broken down as follows:

Five star rated products meet or exceed all the core rating requirements and the rating is reserved for those offering the very best cover. Five star rated products should provide sufficient cover, in the event a customer needs to make a claim.

Four star rated products fall just short of a five star rating and have one or two core requirements missing, but still have above industry average levels of cover.

Three star rated products will have some core requirements either missing or below the industry average, but generically have an average set of product features. Most policies should fall into this category, and will be adequate cover for many customers.

Two star rated products fall short of the core requirements and have below average product features, but may still be suitable for some customers.

One star rated products have many of the core and secondary requirements missing and may only provide very basic cover. A customer considering purchase should understand the limitations of this type of policy.

Please note the information and analysis that we provide should not be construed as advice, but only as a means of assisting with your search to find a policy that best suits your needs.

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