Choosing the right Pet Insurance is extremely important, as the wrong choice now could have severe financial consequences later and comparing numerous policy terms and conditions can be daunting.
Once you have read this review of Ageas Pet Insurance and compared polices using our unique search facility, you will have all the information you need to make an informed choice.
Ageas pet insurance reviewed by Jonathan 22/09/2020.
Ageas is an old company originally called AG Insurance and founded in 1824.
AG Insurance formed Bishopsgate Insurance in 1939 and began selling through Brokers in the UK.
RIAS was purchased in 1997 and Northern Star in 2000. The name was changed to Fortis Insurance and renamed to Ageas in 2010. In 2018 the company began offering insurance products direct to the general public.
Ageas is renowned for it's high levels of customer service and has won a Gold standard award for the last nine years.
Agaes pet insurance is arranged and administered by Ageas Retail Limited and underwritten by Zenith Insurance Plc, both authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
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