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Rating Display Badge- Term & Conditions

Rating Badges are free for Insurance Providers to display alongside those specific policies that have been rated by That's Insurance. Rating Badges must always be displayed with the link text provided

We reserve the right to remove authority for Insurance Providers to display rating badges at any time, for any reason. It is the insurance providers responsibility to ensure that correct rating badges are displayed and therefore if you have a rate change, please request a review update from That's Insurance and we will undertake this and provide updated badges.

Displaying of That's Insurance rating offers no warranty to Insurance Providers or their Customers as to the suitability of a particular policy for the customers needs. Additionally, That's Insurance assumes no Liability, implied or otherwise and has no party whatsoever in any transaction carried out in relation to any Insurance or related product.

Displaying any That's Insurance Rating Badge means acceptance of these terms, in addition to any applicable general Terms & Conditions.